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SeaMonkey infrastructure notes:


  • trunk (1), 2 branches (.5) --- 2
  • build, test, opt-test, (talos?) --- 1 + 2 + 2 + ? (assuming "1.5")
  • linux, mac, win --- 3
  • 32/64bit --- 2

additional machines:

  • buildmaster, (talos-master?) --- 1 [lx] (+ 1 [lx])
  • signing --- 1 [win]
  • puppet (+clobberer), opsi --- 1 [lx] + 1 [win]
  • sumo --- 1 [lx]?


linux mac win32 linux64 mac64 win64
have 6 5 5 1 - -
needed 9 + 1? + 1? 8 8 + 1 + 1? 1 1 1
wanted 11 + 1? + 1? 10 10 + 1 + 1? 6 6 6
like 15 + 1? + 1? 13 13 + 1 + 1? 10 10 10

On Linux, first "+1?" is puppet, second is SUMO. On Win32, "+1" is signing, "+1?" is OPSI.

Puppet, signing and OPSI machines can be taken from existing VMs, esp. if new machines are physical machines, giving more power to build and more stability to test cycles. SUMO needs to be a server and a different beast altogether.